
2050 works in the inter­section between politics, research and industry in order to help more stake­holders profit from the tran­sition to a sustai­nable society within the boundaries of the planet.

The 2050 model

Distinct societal value leads to a better planet and increased social welfare 

Our model assumes that every decision needs to be based in, and help improve, the following three dimen­sions: economy, planetary resources and social welfare. By combining our capa­bi­lities within analysis, business deve­lopment and commu­ni­cation we create value together in all three dimen­sions. This leads to good business on a balanced planet.


Business Development

Mega-trends such as digi­ta­li­zation and, auto­mation and increased requi­re­ments on sustai­na­bility aspects has an effect on profi­ta­bility today, but will be deter­minant for the winners of tomorrow. When Gartner in 2014 asked CEOs of global enter­prises only 35% answered that they will need to consider the way they do business.

We help mana­gement teams understand how their busi­nesses are affected by the rapid deve­lopment which is now taking place within the sustai­na­bility sphere. We tie the perspectives of business, planet and society together, to create a stra­tegic roadmap to base business deci­sions on..

Contact: Peter Henriksson


To be able to make the right deci­sions and be trans­parent to the market and the consumers, companies and orga­ni­za­tions need to calculate and account for their impacts, risks and opportunities.

At 2050 we have expertise in calcu­lating, reporting, analyzing and accounting, with a focus on envi­ron­mental and sustai­na­bility aspects. We are constantly updated on calcu­lation and accounting stan­dards and guidance regarding the climate, envi­ronment and sustai­na­bility. We can therefore offer expert advice regarding inter­pre­ta­tions and norms.

Through our expe­rience, we can provide guidance on the process, data mana­gement, choice of tools, emission factors, data sources, and how the results can be presented. We can also take on the entire process, from prepa­ra­tions to final results in the form of climate accounts, GRI reports, product life­cycle perfor­mance, or the potential of products and services.

2050 can provide support and prepare docu­men­tation for the mana­gement team to evaluate stra­tegies and roadmaps. This could be a report, inve­sti­gating requi­re­ments from different stake­holders, or a scenario analysis into the potential of different measures, to mention two examples.

We have in-depth expertise and expe­rience from doing studies on fuels, energy, trans­por­tation, chemicals, procu­rement and policy issues.

Contact: Göran Erselius 


We are experts in commu­ni­cation with focus on climate, the envi­ronment and sustai­na­bility. Our guiding word for commu­ni­cation is honesty and we only work with assign­ments that contri­butes to a sustai­nable deve­lopment. We work in the fields of politics, science and business to create new sustai­nable business oppor­tu­nities for our clients. This means that we help our clients in their work for creating publicity, public affairs and moulding of public opinion.

We help enter­prises and orga­ni­za­tions, which have a true ambition to really contribute to less effect on the envi­ronment and climate, to commu­nicate both exter­nally and inter­nally. We offer a holistic approach to commu­ni­cation and the impact on society and we work with both stra­tegic, long-term advice on commu­ni­cation and ad hoc contri­bution. We can assist with business intel­li­gence, to manage media contacts and to commu­nicate messages/statements.

We also put the company or the orga­ni­zation into a broader context. We analyze, inter alia, how relevant poli­tical deci­sions affect our clients and we explain how the poli­tical decision-making works. We assist with advice about public affairs and moulding of public opinion.

Contact: Rebecka Wulfing

Get in contact with us at or reach out to one of our coworkers. Their contact information is listed under about 2050

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Skeppsbron 32, 3 tr,

111 30 Stockholm


Gjute­ri­gatan 1,

582 73 Linköping


Stora Varvs­gatan 11,

SE-211 19 Malmö