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Climate finance

Climate financing and carbon sequestration. Companies are increasingly expected to contribute to the global transition to net zero, in addition to work within their own value chain. The capacity for lasting carbon sequestration needs to be rapidly expanded, and natural carbon sinks need to be protected.

2050 Consulting offers a comprehensive solution for science-based climate financing. 

Starting with a well-founded strategy and carbon pricing, you can support projects through 2050 Impact Funds. These funds ensure the greatest possible climate benefit and align with both SBT (Science Based Targets) and CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). Our offering ranges from climate financing to communication and adheres to current directives for auditing, transparency, and reporting. In this way, the contribution adds value to the business, the brand, and the climate.

Interested to learn more? Please get in touch.

Cozette Wachtmeister-Zeito

Service Offering Lead
- Climate finance

Omvärldsanalys, klimatinvesteringar, hållbart skogsbruk, kolkreditsmarknaden, strategier och projektledning.

+46 72 858 45 59