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Secure impact with exection. 90% of a successful strategy is execution, and this also applies to achieving efficiency and impact from the sustainability strategy. The goal is to effectively implement the decided strategies and action plans to ensure action, knowledge transfer, and competence within the customer’s organization.

We can help realize your sustainability goals and ensure they contribute to a profitable business by driving the change process both internally and externally.

How does this work in practice? We activate and tailor implementation by providing everything from individual sustainability advisors and experts who can support your teams in areas such as sustainability, procurement, sales, marketing, and supply chain, to entire teams that can act as an extended and temporary sustainability department or implementation team. Currently, we are focusing on the concrete implementation of CSRD work, which is increasing in both relevance and demand.

Implementation needs? Please get in touch.

Anders Granberg

Service Offering Lead
- Implementation

Klimatberäkningar, klimatanalys, målsättnings- och åtgärdsarbete, klimatfärdplaner, utredningar, omvärldsanalys, livscykelanalys, verksamhetsutveckling, affärsutveckling.

+46 73-079 38 80