2050 Consulting, a leading Nordic fi rm in sustainability, helps companies in many countries become more profi table through decreased climate impact and concrete sustainability efforts. They support the development of a business-integrated sustainability strategy and ensure its implementation through corporate actions . 2050 Consulting is now using Normain to enable an even greater focus on value-generating work in service of this mission. The Normain partnership is about investing in AI learnings across the organization, and about making the most of their in-house expertise in key verticals, such as regulatory compliance.
And this is just the beginning. Markus Ekelund, CEO of 2050 Consulting, sees AI as crucial to staying competitive in professional services. “The industry is changing, and to maintain our edge, we need technologies that elevate our commercial and internal capabilities,” he says.
For sustainability experts, Normain becomes an invaluable support that leads to increased quality in output and streamlined processes. “With Normain, we’re able to experiment hands-on with AI, and learn how to build bespoke solutions that ensure we stay ahead of the game with our customer delivery,” says Adam Turesson, Sustainability Consultant at 2050.
“AI with Normain has the potential to improve our business by 100x,” says Tony Lantz, Head of AI at 2050 Consulting, “a transformative capability we’re leveraging across our services.”
Sara Landfors, Co-founder & CEO of Normain, shares the excitement: “2050 Consulting has been an exceptional partner, embracing new technology with a rapid pace. We’re thrilled to empower them to focus more of their time on delivering high-value work for their clients.”