Wilfred Kent

Telefon: 070-217 12 15

Compe­tence: Commu­ni­cation and influence, stake­holder enga­gement, culture and change mana­gement, envi­ron­mental policy mapping, sustai­na­bility reporting, workshops and facilitation.

Expe­rience: Policy imple­men­tation and analysis, sustai­na­bility and ESG commu­ni­ca­tions, stake­holder enga­gement, reporting analysis, diversity and inclusion.

Wilfred works with stra­tegic commu­ni­cation and influence in the areas of sustai­na­bility reporting and policy. He has a master’s degree in poli­tical commu­ni­cation from Göte­borgs Univer­sitet which focused on key compe­tencies such as opinion building, agenda setting and inter-insti­tu­tional commu­ni­cation and influence. Wilfred has a range of expe­rience in both Sweden and the United Kingdom. Across his roles he has consulted on sustai­na­bility commu­ni­ca­tions, stake­holder enga­gement, change mana­gement, culture trans­for­mation and envi­ron­mental policy analysis in both the public and private sectors. Throughout his career he applies his passion for positive and sustai­nable change to all projects.